How can we strengthen the brand?

Here you'll find a number of tips and tools to help your brand succeed. The impact of a shared brand depends on the enthusiasm of its stakeholders.

Here are our recommendations. We're counting on you!

1. Talk about the brand

Simple but effective: talk about the brand and convey the vision (verbally) to partners and customers!  This can be done in informal conversations, during your presentations, and in all your communication messages. Spread the word, because that's how you get even more partners on board.

2. Bring the brand to life in your services and products

Do you have services or products that convey the brand's values or reinforce its storytelling? Then highlight them in your communications or, if possible, develop projects, events or other products or services that meet these requirements. Below are a few examples. The more this happens, the stronger the brand becomes. Be creative with the values of inclusion, innovation, openness and ambition!

>  innovative services and products: Le Botaniste, The Nine, Piola Libre, FlyLounge Meeting Space

>  inclusive projects:  StamEuropa and Brussels Voice.

3. Adjust the content and tone of your texts

As well as talking about the brand itself, you can also bring the brand to life by adjusting the content and tone of your texts about the neighbourhood. Take on a tone of voice and try to incorporate some of the brand's topics (or even interests) into your communication about the neighbourhood - tell the story!

Examples: - Discover the European Quarter

The Citizens' Garden


Brussels Voice

The Nine

4. Use the brand merchandising

Using and distributing the visual elements that bring your brand to life. From roll-ups to postcards, from digital logos to hashtags.

5 tips that make all the difference:

  • Install promotional material at your events, such as beach flags and roll-ups.

  • Display branded material in your store/office: affix window stickers, hand out postcards and place the display in full view of your customers.

  • Use the logo or label in digital and printed communication about the neighbourhood.

  • Customise the abbreviated logo to better match your corporate image or identity.

  • Use the hashtag #EuropeanQuarterBrussel or #EUQB when communicating about nearby activities via social media.

Extra tip: become a brand ambassador!


Who are we looking for?

  • People active in the neighbourhood (social, cultural, political, etc.)

  • People who share the brand's values

  • People with a certain credibility in the neighbourhood

  • Not just people with a political past

  • People who are part of a large community

  • People with strong neighbourhood ties

  • People nearby who can have a long reach

What do we expect from you?

  • Announce the new brand image - spread the joy

  • Sharing content, new information and activities in the neighbourhood

  • Share your presence at a nearby event via social networks

  • Inform people about why we need this brand

  • Use branded material in your shop, shop window, office, etc.

  • Convince other partners of the existence of the B2B site and encourage them to visit it

Yourself or someone else in mind?

Write to us at   

At work

Download the logos and order your visuals such as postcards, triptychs, stickers or rollups!